1. Black cat crossing path: Yeah sure as if this cat’s gonna follow me home.

cat crossing

2. Books touching your feet: Really, I take bath everyday.


3. Watching yourself in a cracked mirror: What I see in a mirror is hundred smaller version of me.

broken mirror

4. Cutting nails and shaving after sunset: Sure, as if bad luck is waiting for me to shave and cut my nails after sunset.

nail cutting

5. Lighting 3 cigarette with one matchstick: Can somebody please light the damn cigarette already.

lighting cigarette

6. Lizard falling on you: Dude, I don’t want any other excuse to bathe.

lizard falling

7. Twitching of your eye: Right… like people won’t get into trouble if their eyes will not twitch.

eye twitching

8. Adding 1 rupee to a gift sum: Dude the coin is also round.


9. Crows bring guests: like if a crow will not sit at my home, people won’t visit me.


10 Don’t sweep your house after sunset: Sure, now I’ll have to wait for morning to clean my shit up.

sweep floor.gif2

11. Ghost reside on peepal trees: dude contact 99acres or quickr maybe.

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