
To help advertisers improve mobile performance, Google AdWords has begun rolling out a new Landing pages tool. The announcement was made at Google Marketing Next, earlier this year and is now being brought over the next few weeks in new AdWords experience.

It’s a tab in AdWords that can help developers see which URLs in their accounts are mobile-friendly, which ones drive the most sales, and which ones may require their attention.

For example, find the pages that get a lot of clicks, but aren’t mobile-friendly. Then prioritize them for your webmaster so you can convert more of your ad clicks into sales.


Advertisers will get a snapshot of the following data in the “Landing pages” page:

  • Landing page URL
  • Mobile-friendly click rate
  • Performance metrics such as clicks, cost, conversion rate, etc.

The report combines performance data for each landing page URL, including both the Final URL and the Mobile Final URL.

Mobile-friendly Click Rate

The “Mobile-friendly click rate” is the percentage of mobile clicks that go to a page that’s deemed mobile friendly by Google’s Mobile-Friendly test. This metric, currently available for Search, can give advertisers a better sense of how their landing pages are showing up on mobile devices.

Test for mobile friendliness

Advertisers can see which pages may not be optimized for mobile devices by clicking on the percentage in your “Mobile-friendly click rate” column. They can also run the Mobile-Friendly test for each of these pages.

Like most other tables, advertisers can also add additional columns to their table by clicking the columns icon Columns, and selecting Modify columns.

By understanding how well the landing pages are performing, in addition to ads and keywords, advertisers can get the full-spectrum of data needed to optimize their campaigns.

The “Landing pages” page shows data for Search, Display and Video campaign landing pages; however “Mobile-friendly Click Rate” is currently available for Search landing pages only. The data will get expanded on in the coming months.

Source: Google AdWords

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