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If you look back and see as to how Google search worked, you will notice that the search engine really wasn’t all that good in the beginning. It happened to be little more than keyword-matching and link-counting machine and that to achieve a good ranking in search engines ranking pages all you needed in those days was to stuff your WebPages with keyword phrases as many as possible and get as many inbound links as possible.

But, then gradually Google started working on its algorithms to provide users with the best possible experience and every time it found a flaw in its ability to deliver relevant and high-quality search results, it worked to overcome it. With its first change in algorithm named as ‘Boston’, Google never looked back and kept changing its algorithm to provide users with the best possible experience.

There are basically three things that have experienced a great change when it comes to how Google have changed and they are – Keywords, Links and Content.

Let’s go through them one by one and see how have they changed and what could be done to gain better results.

1213 Initial days:

Marketers used to target single keywords and tried to rank at the top of search engine results for those keywords.

At present:

Instead of individual keywords, groups of similar keywords that are closely related based on topic are used more.


Although, Google is constantly working to stop people from obsessing over single keywords, keywords still happen to be integral aspect of SEO and that no matter what the search process always begins with a keyword query.


Produce fresh, readable and valuable content relevant to your business as Google has become smarter than ever and can easily detect words that are synonymous or similar in context, and then can identify an overall keyword concept for the entire body of text all together.


Never write low –quality content stuffed with keywords.

2) Links

1212 Initial days:

Marketers focused more on gathering links as possible for their business website, by any which way even if they had to link back to source website in exchange and risk associating their business with potentially dubious link networks.

At present:

Instead of focusing on gathering links, the focus now is on gathering endorsements, which are positive references to your business made by authority websites in the industry.


It’s true that link building is important for better ranking but that it should be natural. After the penguin update released by Google in April 2012, website cannot participate in link schemes. If you are buying links, or showing any sign of being heavily involved with article marketing, reciprocal linking, unnatural guest blogging or comment spamming, Google penalizes you for that.


Follow Google’s recent guidelines while building links and practice what’s acceptable such as acquiring links from relevant online directories or from social media profiles. In short, try acquiring editorial links.


Never practice article marketing, reciprocal linking, unnatural guest blogging or comment spamming as Google will devalue, discount, or even penalize you for this.

135 Initial days:

Marketers used to create a business website with simple WebPages having content that’s attributed to no single person in particular.

At present:

Instead of web page content being written by anonymous copywriters, the focus is more on publishing content in the form of articles and blog posts that are written by real, identifiable people who are usually experts and authorities in their areas of expertise.


Google’s main objective is to provide users with best possible experience and so content is given much importance. Google rewards websites that are relevant, useful, and satisfy searcher’s objective while at the same time penalizes low-quality spam sites. This is why they are giving more emphasis on the roles of authorship and identity.


Publish content regularly and build your presence online as an authority figure having expert knowledge on topics related to your business. Participate in forums, join groups and guest post and so on, as this will enhance your overall visibility, which is the key.


Never hide your identity. Showcase your potential, establish yourself as a business owner and subject expert instead of remaining anonymous behind the company name.


Now, when your understanding of the current state of Google and search marketing has become even better, it is the time that you should start implementing them.

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