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AdWords Campaign is the biggest paid advertising platform which brings out instant traffic to your website. Launching a campaign for generating qualified leads is a daunting task, but it may not be that daunting with little preparation and right strategies.

We have listed the 8 essential steps below which you need to use while setting up your campaign because a well-executed AdWords campaign is must for generating potential leads.

#Step 1: Identify your Target Audience

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Before running up a campaign the most important step is to know that what your customers are looking for. You need to know your target audience in detail as per different demographics like gender, age, location, interests, etc. The more you will get to know your audience the more chances you have of generating better leads.

#Step 2: Outline your Conversion Goal

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The goal behind running the campaign should be clear. Setting up strategic goals and objectives ensures better results. Set up a goal for your brand that whether you want to increase brand awareness or generate leads or convert leads in to customers. Determining that for what kind of success you are looking for helps you plan up the right approach. Goal conversions are measurable and specific, what action the visitor should make before leaving your website.

#Step 3: Choose your Bid Strategy

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A step which you can incorporate in your ad campaign is to change ‘Bid Strategy’ to manual. With this you can manually set your bids per click. You can change your bid strategies according to your goals, if your main goal is to attract leads, then you can change it as per your needs. Your performance improves up to a great extent with this AdWords feature.

#Step 4: Take in keywords; relatable in your ads

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Before putting up keywords in your ads you should research your keywords with the help of various tools like AdWords Keyword Planner. It needs to be highly relevant to your content and brand.

For example, if you are selling bricks then your keyword need to be ‘buy bricks’, ‘cheap bricks’ or ‘buy cheap bricks’. So, whenever someone who wants to buy bricks will search for places where he can buy then the chances are that he will search for ‘buy bricks’, ‘cheap bricks’ or ‘buy cheap bricks’ and he will be directed to your website.

So, using highly relatable keywords can help you get potential qualified leads.

#Step 5: Create Headline: Compelling & Convincing

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The headline of your ad should be compelling which prompts the visitor to take an action. If you have a compelling headline which contains relatable keywords then there are chances that you are likely to attract leads towards your campaign. Another effective step is to take

#Step 6: Ensure your Landing page match up with your Ad

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Your landing page should be congruent to your ad campaign. Homepages just explain what your brand is all about, so it doesn’t work well. A dedicated landing page that matches your keyword and ad generate better leads. Even the copy of your landing page should be relatable.

#Step 7: Do Conversion tracking

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Conversion tracking is the step which shouldn’t be skipped as it helps you to know which keywords and ads are generating leads. It is basically a method of measuring sales generated by the AdWords campaign. To optimize your AdWords campaign for better results you must do conversion tracking.

#Step 8: Leverage Remarketing

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Remarketing your ads at a perfect time through email marketing helps you generate qualified lead. Remarketing AdWords campaign provides you a second chance to attract leads. You can easily leverage remarketing through email marketing and it is very powerful for brand building.

Make sure that you structure your campaign right if you want to get potential results. So, use these above-mentioned steps to create an effective AdWords campaign for generating leads.

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