
Since Instagram is getting popular every day, the idea of promoting on the platform is worth to do it.

Better say, are you ready to become #InstaFamous?

Live video acts as a resource to get into your audience easily and creates immense authenticity.

This is why 80% of customers love to watch a live video over reading the blog.

So, it’s time to use Insta Live and make your audience own.


With 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is undoubtedly one of the popular social media channels.

The audience comprises the millennial demographic whose age ranges from 18 to 28 years.

Instagram Live offers a lot of benefits that include-
  • Newsfeed priority
  • Increased engagement
  • Build relationships

How to use Instagram Live?

Instagram Live not only promotes your content but also enable to interact with existing followers and attract new ones.

So, let’s know how to use Instagram Live-

Step 1- Starting your video

Steps to launch your live video-

Click on the Instagram app or swipe right to on the camera.

Then, you’ll find the “Stories” section.

After that, at the bottom of the page, there’ll be a carousel of options that includes-
  • Boomerang
  • Rewind
  • Hands-free
  • Normal

Go down till you find “Live” which will be in form of a big white button.


Step 2- Making your video

Before the launch of your official broadcast, go to the Instagram Story settings by clicking gear icon available in the top left corner.

By default, Instagram streams Live content publicly and enable the audience to make comments. The Instagram Story page gives you the authority to control these settings.

You will able to restrict replies to followers only or hide your video from specific users.

After your Live video ends, it cannot be seen in your news feed if you haven’t toggle “Save Shared Photos” on. This enables you to save your content to the “Stories” section.


Once you’re finished your edits, click on “Start Live Video”


Step 3- Useful Tips to Use Instagram Live

To make your Instagram Live successful, you need to adopt a strategy-

Similar to Stories, Instagram Live needs to be creative, but in a logical way.

A fully prepared strategy will make you easily reach and connect with your audience.

1. Practice before your broadcast

You need to understand that Instagram Live will take straightforwardly to your audience.

If you make mistakes in your videos that will immediately appear in front of them. If you’re new to business those could be accepted, but you can try not to make it more flawless.

Make a list of certain things that you want to show in your video and practice them on the camera before going Live.

A few video recordings will help you with the idea and points to make the best video-

  • Is your background perfect?
  • Is your audio clear?
  • Is your lighting or camera angles need to adjust more accurately?


2. Make your Live video purposeful

As said a strategy is needed to bring the desired result, so when you’re using Instagram Live for marketing, ensure to add a purpose to it.

Random or fun videos won’t generate the desired result. So, it’s better to come with unique and exclusive content for your audience.

This will encourage them to take interest in your live streams.

A few ways you can make your Instagram Live valuable for the audience-

  • Show real image of your brand to an audience.
  • Come with new products and create some hype for your product release.
  • Answer the comments or questions asked by your audience.
  • Provide useful tips about your product.

3. Promote Instagram Live videos in advance

The ultimate goal for being on Instagram is to boost engagement, drive traffic and gain followers.

So in order to reach a large group on the platform, go to the “Explore” page.

The algorithm of Instagram says that if you want more engagement and viewers on your video, then you’ve to be on the Explore page.

Promoting your forthcoming stream to existing customers earlier will make an audience before you hit the “Go Live “button.

One of the great ways to promote Instagram Live is with Instagram Stories. If you want to know what audience you can expect, keep eye of Instagram Stories analytics.



Instagram brings a lot of features in order to do branding and one of the latest and popular one is Instagram Live.

Instagram Live gets your more engagement, more followers and others, but what you need to learn the marketing practices to be done by Instagram Live.

DSIM Blog is created to help you to know all aspects of Digital Marketing ranging from basics of Digital Marketing to Advance Level Topics, Read our posts and feel free to reach our team for any queries.

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