
Do you want to grow your email list 10X faster?

Content upgrades are the biggest discoveries that marketers are curious about, and they result in colossal subscriber increases.

In this article, you’ll discover 7 content upgrade plans to grow your email list faster.

What are content upgrades?

A content upgrade is a lead magnet (or “opt-in bribe”) that is created specifically to be given away as a free download on a particular blog post in exchange for a visitor’s email address.

Brian Dean reported that content upgrades helped him boost his email conversion rate from 0.54% to 4.82%. That’s a 785% increase (without any A/B testing)!

7 Content Upgrade Ideas For You

#1 Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet is a simple and easy content upgrade to offer. If it is used in the right context, it can be extremely effective.

It consists of all of the important information related to a post in one attractive package.


#2 Checklists

A checklist is a wonderful resource you can give away that lets people follow along and ensure they’re doing things correctly.

It is the lengthiest content upgrade to create, but they’re also the most valuable and successful.


#3 PDF Blog Post

It is an easy content upgrade to offer. All you need to do is to save your final draft as a PDF and offer it as an upgrade.

In the example: Content upgrades on the RazorSocial website converts at least 10% of each post’s readers. This particular post is converting at the rate of 44%!


#4 Webinars

A webinar is a detailed online workshop that teaches you something extra and important. This is a high-value opt-in if your topic is somewhat that your target audience is interested in.

If you’re interested in digital marketing webinars, check out DSIM webinar page.


#5 Swipe File

A swipe file is a collection of ready to use, plug and play templates that you use for reference or personal use.

For an interior designer this could be a gallery of beautiful images and for a copywriter, it could be catchy headlines or powerfully written scripts.


#6 Transcripts

If you host interviews, podcasts or have video in your content, transcribe your content as a content upgrade and make it into a downloadable PDF file.

Best resources: Rev and Fiverr  

#7 Infographic

Infographics offer an excellent way to repurpose your existing content into a visually appealing and beautiful way.

According to Unbounce, the demand for infographics increased eightfold in 2012.

According to HubSpot infographics beat out every other type of content for engagement, generating three times the amount of shares.

Use can use these tools to quickly and efficiently build infographic:  VisageSnappaPiktochartEasel, and Canva.


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