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Google has always supported its users when they look for the promotion that turns clicks into conversions.

With its Google AdWords program, marketers create text-based search ads, graphic display ads, YouTube video ads and much more.

Undoubtedly these sorts of ads bring positive results for the business, but the ad creating process also releases clutters that are to be cleaned up immediately.

Here are 5 easy steps that will help you exceptionally in cleaning your AdWords account-

1) Low Search Volume Keywords

In AdWords, a simple account can be managed easily and it could be efficiently optimized as well.

To make your AdWords account simple and easy-going, you need to remove annoying Low Search Volume Keywords.

It’s because these keywords occupy space that troubles a marketer in filtering and optimizing.

The keywords with few or no searches are marked as “Low Search Volume” by Google until their search volume increases.

How to clean up?
  • Filter all LSV Keywords
  • Analyze your AdWords account LSV data for last 12-18 months.
  • Pick low or 0 impression keywords.
  • Put a hold on all LSV keywords that you track through your filter.

Low Search Volume Keywords

2) Low Impression Keywords

Now, comes low impression keywords; these are the keywords with no impression volume.

These  keywords are kept in an account with anticipation they’ll convert, but actually they don’t.

So, we need to sweep them out at the earliest in order to review other keywords which are working.

While picking Low Impression Keywords, ensure you won’t start eliminating those keywords which aren’t to be removed from the account.

When you are going to filter them, make sure you explore below-mentioned things.

  • Does the ad account include live or disapproved or limited in reach running ads?
  • Is bidding with these keywords too low? Do you need to boost them to get more impressions?

How to clean up?

  • Add a filter that draws out keywords having less than 50 impressions in last 12-18 months.
  • Add a new filter that searches keywords which are in the first-page bid.
  • Consider raising all bids to 15 percent higher than the first-page bid and allowing these keywords to run for a few weeks.
  • Put a hold on all low and no impression keywords.

Low impressions keywords

3) No-Impression Ad Groups

Remove those Ad Groups which aren’t going to give you returns. The first reason could be 0 impressions and another reason for removal could be unwanted space taken by those ad groups.

But before you remove or pause these ad groups, you need to check few things-

Ask yourself:

Is this ad group should be paused because no ads are running or they should run? Then, make new adverts or re-start those formerly enabled ads which showed great results.

  • Has this ad group been paused because there is no targeting or should there be? Or you just stopped all the keywords which were LSV (Low Search Volume).
  • Has this group been added recently to the account and you want to allow time for picking traffic?

How to clean up?

After verification, when you are going to clean up these ad groups, keep the same time frame used above i.e. 12-18 months.

  • All campaigns that are enabled
  • All ad groups that are enabled
  • Offering zero Impressions for your time-limit
  • Pause ad groups in view
  • Cross check existing running ad groups to see any important group has not accidentally been paused.

Ad Group with 0 Impression

4) Low Traffic Campaigns

After cleaning ad groups, it’s time to level up and switch to cleaning campaigns.

Investigate low traffic campaigns which can be morphed into other campaigns and so, you’ll be able to manage your account in a simpler way.

How to clean up?

  • Review currently running campaigns. Then, see, “Are there campaigns which when merged, give you less than 10% of your traffic?”

You also need to see how you can easily manage your account along with the traffic generated from existing campaigns. This should particularly be done when your account has loads of campaigns.

Using these tips will help you in campaign management.

(Please check the appropriateness of the image)

Low Volume with High Work Camapign

5) Less Important Labels

You should remove inactive or less important labels before you run your next ad analysis.

To achieve this result, you need to go back to your old UI as the new UI of AdWords account may not facilitate you for doing this.

Your old UI will allow you to find the “Label page” and you can immediately see what labels have been (or not actively) assigned to your campaigns or keywords.

How to clean up?

Clean up all the labels that aren’t assigned to campaigns or ad groups. You need to verify there are no seasonally added labels.

Review the labels and ensure, whether they are still in use by clicking on the number placed next to each label. Clean up all labels that are purposeless.



These above-mentioned tips will help you clean your AdWords account, further teaching you better account management.

Analyze and follow these tips to get more positive results from your Ad groups, campaigns, and keywords.

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