after seo audit 01

If you want to improve your organic search visibility for your website (which obviously everyone wants to do!), then you should run an SEO audit. With an audit, you’re able to produce important insights, looking into past SEO strategies and get you started with what to improve on, even creating a whole new campaign for the year.

Effective SEO audits would be done in-depth, focusing on important aspects among the crucial areas of SEO, which are the technical, on-page, and off-page parts.

When you invest in your time, effort, even money on SEO audits, you want to ensure that it helps you with your goal in driving forward, knowing what next steps to take after. Whatever your goal is, from a better return of investment or traffic, it should help you find ways to reach it says.

But the question is: What do you do next after the audit anyway? Check out these five steps to do after an SEO audit.

When you run an SEO audit, for eg.,, etc. it isn’t just for the sake of saying you checked your website. You have to take action right after and learn what else is needed to improve on from the site check.

1) Develop Insights and Know Your Priorities

You should make sure that the SEO audit tool, team, or person you use is complete and provides the in-depth information you need. These should include the following:

  • A list of all SEO items that were audited
  • The status of each SEO item weighted compared to the best practice, competitive, and audience filters
  • List of recommendations about the aspects you need to correct or improve on

These three are usually contained around the report or would be summarized at the conclusion or executive summary area of the audit.


Take note that if you go through an automated or lighter audit, then the findings might not be as detailed or clear as expected. I recommend that you utilize a reputable and trusted SEO audit tool, team, or person to prevent that from happening.

2) List the Resources You Need For the Plan

Based on the list that the audit report included and checked, or all your necessary insights compiled, it’s time to start planning! If you hired a team or person to do the SEO audit, then it’s best to hold a post-audit meeting if possible. This can help you understand the impact of these SEO items, as well as how it affects your SEO as a whole.

Ask as many questions as possible and do your research to learn more about the process and what was done to know where to begin when planning. Also, take note that even if you follow all recommendations, not all the actions may have a similar impact as expected. So set your expectations on what you want the impact to be and begin to determine what you should prioritize.

Next up, determine the resources you need for the plan. May it be manpower, time, other resources and your budget, plan out the expected necessities before proceeding? This can be done by you or individual people and teams to know exactly what you need and how much it will cost. When you already know your budget and effort required, as well as how long it takes, you can start re-prioritizing and begin the actual planning part.

3) Create a Schedule and Timeline

Once you have the outline and the necessary resources to begin the plan, it’s time to create the proper schedule. Remember, SEO is a long-term commitment fueled by short-term actions and execution. Because of this, you should start learning about how much time it will take to do everything on your list and schedule when those goals should be reached, noting milestones and reporting cycles so you’re able to see the effort’s impact. This helps manage expectations and monitor if things are going smoothly for every milestone completed.

4) Make a Feasible Action Plan to Complete

Now, it’s time to put your action plans in motion, finding the right tools and systems for easy collaboration, scheduling and assigned tasks, as well as attached accountability. You can use an SEO tool, workflow program, or free project management software for this.

Make this a real campaign or project the team takes seriously, assigning tasks to your team and organizing everything, from the resources, tasks, and deadlines. Also, when assigning and organizing tasks, make sure that it goes out to the right skilled people to keep the workplace quick and efficient.

5) Continue to Monitor and Succeed From Your Plan

Once you’ve already pushed through with all your plans, reached deadlines and milestones, it doesn’t stop from there. It’s time to achieve success and continue to monitor the progress of your efforts. Look back at the expectations and goals you set prior to the plan and see if you achieved them efficiently. That way, you can measure performance and the impact such actions have done for your website. So start monitoring your website and have reporting cycles for continued progress.

Wrapping It Up

SEO audits are highly beneficial (even crucial), though if not used properly or taken action from, it would be a waste of time. That’s why you need to know what to do right after running an SEO audit on your website, which will have you identify what went right or wrong with your previous strategies and how to do better in the next ones to come.

I hope that this article on the five steps to do after an SEO audit helped you out. So don’t wait any longer and learn more from this SEO guide to achieve your goals today.

If you have any questions or want to share your tips and experiences as you run SEO audits, then comment below. Your thoughts are much appreciated.

Author Bio:

[thrive_testimonial name=”” company=”” image=””]Rahul Ghundiyal is CEO and Founder of RNG SEO. He has been in the field of SEO since 2013. He always works within limits and writes occasionally on SEO, E-commerce and web design. You can connect with him on Twitter.[/thrive_testimonial]

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