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Today when anything and everything proves the content to be the king be it your consumer sitting on the others side or Google ready with its new updates like panda or penguin algorithms and so on. If you have a blog that’s wonderful but if not it is high time that you go ahead and get one. Blogs are a great way to market your business but then your blog should reflect your brand.

Here we have compiled six ways in order to ensure that your blog reflects your brand.


1) Designing the Blog

blogging 11 Although it sounds obvious but yes your blogs should have the similar manifestation as that of your website. You blog and your website should fit together effortlessly. While you are designing your website take your blog in to account and integrate it into the navigation or else you can add the latest post in your side bar. There are many content management systems such as wordpress that allows you to design static pages and blog post pages in a way that they fit together flawlessly. Make sure your fonts and color go well with your brand. Besides, make it easier for readers to comment, share and subscribe to your blog.


2) Decide your Niche

blogging 12 Some studies in past have revealed that there are more than 164 millions blogs in United States alone and only around 123 million readers are there. In such scenarios you really need to gear up for standing out among others in your industry. You are definitely going to write about your niche that is for sure. By doing so you can drive the qualified traffic to your website and can build up your brand. However, sometimes when your industry is very general such as finance or healthcare, you will need to use other elements to stand out. In such case, you need to identify as to how are you different from other in your niche and use your blog content to reflect that difference.


3) Reveal your Personality

blogging 13 The revolution that social media has brought forces you to be as transparent as possible. You are supposed to have a personality that is reflected through your communication and marketing efforts. Besides, a blog is a great way to establish a usual two-way communication with your customers.


4) Maintain Consistency

blogging 141 While starting a blog or optimizing if already have one you need to consider the time that you are going invest in order to make it successful. You should post high quality content regularly to help that impact your brand positively. Go ahead and set an editorial calendar and decide regular posting days. By maintaining consistency with your blog you get to have fresh material regularly to make your social media fans happy. It is also good for your ranking on search engine ranking pages as even Google gives high priority to website with fresh, relevant and high quality content.

5) Create immaculate Content

blogging 15 Anyhow make sure you post good and high quality content on your blog regularly. If you do not have time to do it yourself go ahead and hire a professional to get it done for you. However, if you are writing it yourself there are many things you can grab ideas from such as event recaps, testimonials, news, link reviews from other industry blogs and so on. Besides, you can use Google adwords keyword tools to figure out as to which topics are burning and have low competition. You can also write a content that goes with the latest trends and can tie it into your own brand. The best way is to set an editorial calendar to plan your content accordingly. Be proactive and don’t wait for the last moment to write the articles, write it in advance.


6) Co-marketing

blogging 16 By guest posting you can introduce your brand to a new audience so go ahead and find out other companies in the industry who run blogs and ask them if they have guest posting service available. In turn you can open up your blog for them to guest post on it. Besides, they might have been looking for new content on their blog too.

Well! These were a few ways by which you can make your blog reflect your brand. So what are you looking for go ahead and implement these now for a better brand building. And if you have started it just double check if you are going on the right track or not.

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