
“People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.”- Zig Ziglar

It’s no secret that emotions play a vital role in successful advertising promotions.

The people believe on emotion rather than information to make brand decisions.

The drive of emotional branding is to create a bond between the consumer and the product by triggering the emotion.

Emotions and Brands

For the brand, this is a powerful tool, and many brands are taking advantage of by creating emotional ads.

These ads manipulate customers feelings and provoke the emotional that influence how they make a decision. This will turn into a long-lasting relationship.

These strong emotions in advertising may lead to make an expensive purchase or donate money for a foundation.

In this case study, we’ll discuss how brands are using these emotions for making long-lasting relationships with their consumers.

Types of Emotions in Advertising

Contemporary research suggests that there are 5 universal emotions we all feel: Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Surprise.

1) Happiness

Happiness makes you feel good and covers everything (luxury, youth, romance, adventure etc.).

Advertisers want their brand to be linked to smiling, laughter, love, fun, and much more.

It is the most noticeable and common emotion appearing in the majority of ads. Happy and positive advertisement receives successful customer engagement and likely to more sharable.

By activating these emotions, brands can bring out the happiness of the consumer and effect their buying decisions.

#Google’s Android

Google’s “Friends Furever” ad is an adorable way to promote their latest Android phone and is one of the most shared ads. This is showing a clip of unlikely and incontestably cute animal friends has over 30 million YouTube views.

# Purina/ Buzzfeed

“Puppyhood” video from Purina and BuzzFeed is the story of a single man adopting a puppy, but it takes the viewer through a complete narrative as the cute pet and owner get to know each other in the man’s apartment. This is the tale of companionship has over 17 million YouTube views.

2) Sadness

Currently, sadvertising has undermined all other emotional advertisements. Sad ads need not necessarily make people cry or shed tears. It should mainly move something deep inside them.

# MetLife Insurance

TVC Thai Life Insurance ad excellently captures the essence of sadness. While promoting your product or services through such ads, it is, however, necessary that they should have a ‘feel-good’ factor. It has over 1 million views on YouTube.

# Thai Life Insurance 

Thai Life Insurance’s suitably named “Unsung Hero” holds the dark subject of poverty but ends the story on the hero’s random acts of kindness. The ad received over 30 million YouTube views.

3) Anger

Anger has many uses but is a lot seen in ads designed to make people upset about things like environmental issues, and government policies. Such ads or articles should be thought-provoking.

It is a negative feeling, but if done correctly, ads invoking anger can stir people and provoke them to take some action in the spur of the moment.

#Tata Tea

The Tata tea advertisement went viral because it has a dash of inspiration or added surprise. These ads hold the power of changing people’s outlook towards everything and encourage them to take a rightful stand.

4) Fear

Fear is often used to prevent people from harmful behaviors, such as smoking, drug abuse, texting whilst driving or driving under the influence of alcohol.

It is used to promote change by showing the scary truth of what could happen. Because, when nothing else will work, scare approaches can be very effective in getting a message across. It encourages viewers to either make a change or stop it completely.


 AT&T commercial shows a car accident because of texting and driving in slow motion and reverse. Many viewers were surprised and afraid when it first aired.

AT&T took a risk with this commercial and used fear to show consumers the dangers of distracted driving.

# Smoking

The best anti-smoking ad ever “Smoking Kid” shows the results of a series of pranks when young kids approach smokers and ask them to light up their cigarettes. The ad went viral that help smokers quit, effectively using a dark truth.

5) Surprise

It can appear in combination with other emotions and may be either positive or negative. The following ad, for example, shows an unexpected perspective on household chemicals that pose a danger to children.

# Edeka

Edeka, a German supermarket company, came out with one of the best holiday ads.

In this ad, a grandfather who vainly tries to get his family to come home for the holidays every year, but it ends up celebrating alone. Finally, he fakes his own death to get them to come home.

Surprised and happy, the family sits and eats together. The film ends with the text “time to come home.”

The ad has received over 53 million views on YouTube so far.

# Justino- Anuncio Lotería de Navidad

This Spanish lotto ad is heartwarming and encourages you to purchase lottery tickets. In the clip, a security guard at a factory gets a surprise gift from one of his coworkers.

“Emotions are the Key for going viral.”

If you want your ads, blog posts, videos to go viral, using the right combination of emotion “arousal & positive” is the key. The people are more likely to share content that is positive and have some great message.

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